So I've decided to blog. You see, I am one of those people who is chronically frustrated all the time. I mean 24/7. Nothing seems to run smoothly or flow the way that it should do. If you decide to follow my blog you will be subject to lot and lots of ranting and raving and moaning.
Now, you may leave this page thinking, "what a bloody whiner" and that's when I know I've accomplished my goal for the day. Yes ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls I am here to whine about the world and all of it's petty shortfalls. Occasionally I may post something of a 'feel good nature' but I assure you that the only reason for this is because we've had a power outage at work and I've been drinking beer all day or, more commonly, because the tea girl has put too much sugar in my coffee.
You may also see the odd tech post here. You see I'm one of those start-up IT business owners and in doing so, I do a lot of system's fixing and software development. I come across tech problems which I solve every day of my life and maybe in the future, if I decide that I actaully like blogging, I may create a tech related blog dedicated to this sort of thing. In the mean time you will just have to bear with me if you're not a tech person.
In this blog I will talk about my staff, friends, family, girlfriend, enemies, customers, suppliers and people I would never dream of buying stuf from and selling stuff to.
If you're an employee who is dreaming of starting up your own business, you may learn some valuable lessons in this blog as I will share with you, the challenges that I face , day to day and the solutions that I have applied to them.
So I hope to acquire a small following of readers, lurkers and commentators. I hope that you find some value in what you have to say and I hope to join a community of people who can provide the same value (if not more) to me.
Bob Hillgun